Educational Partners

Educational Partners

Partners and Projects


In the past 20 years, BEST has been keeping constant communication with many higher education organisations and student NGOs involved in the field of education.

Educational Associations


         sefi                    feani                   ifees

                  speed                         eesa 

      EIT                     UNESCO

       europeace                              EUCEN       

                enaee                    igip                      EAN


Our main goal is to provide the view of a student where it is needed, and since 1995, BEST has played an active role in the development of projects of the European Commission, the most recent being PROVIP, EU-VIP and EUROEAST.

Click here to see our involvement in previous projects.


Participate as expert in BEST Events on Education

Experts are an essential part in our Events on Education (EoE). An expert can be anyone with experience in the topics approached in the event. Experts can contact BEST directly or they can be invited by BEST.

What do you gain by participating as an expert in Events on Education?

  • Sharing your experience with students from all over Europe
  • Learning about new methods and projects
  • Receiving students' feedback about your current work/projects
  • Networking with the host university, international academics, EU project representatives, students and BEST.


After each Event on Education, BEST prepares a report with the outcomes and sends it to the partners and professors who have participated.

See here the EoE reports.